Why you need to look for the bigger vision
Look for the bigger picture. When you need to stay motivated, think of the bigger picture.
How does this relate not only to yourself but to others?
How will it contribute to something important?
Where will this make a difference?
To accomplish more, think bigger, look for the bigger vision to motivate you.
Inspirational vision
Inspire your family and friends. Create a vision of making a positive difference, bringing new growth in the lives of those you love.
If you are a parent inspire your kids to select and achieve their goals.
Seeing your own kids follow you, put aside their IPads, become motivated and excited, train with you and feel the self achievement and self confidence from overcoming self doubt.
The reason why you need to look for the bigger vision to motivate you
Once you achieve a tough goal and prove to yourself you can achieve hard things you will grow in your own self confidence and be able to tackle day to day challenges with new new ease and feel inspired to shoot even higher with your own goals.
Exercise motivation bigger vision
Feeling fit physically makes everything easier. You will have more energy for everything in life, from the mundane day to day cleaning, harder spring cleaning, gardening, moving house, packing and moving suitcases, playing with your kids and any harder challenges life sends you!
The bigger vision for motivation
As we get older it becomes more important than ever to find and focus on that vision.
As we age and come to terms with the physical health and fitness declines resulting from chronic pain, illness, surgery and disability, regular exercise to challenge our bodies is even more necessary to fight the effects of ageing and poor health.
We loose muscle mass once we pass 30 years of age and more rapidly as we age further and with women post menopause.
We become more at risk of low bone density, balance problems and falls resulting in fractures, which become harder to recover from with age.
Our cardiovascular health becomes even more important as we age and is the number one cause of morbidity post cancer survival, years down the track.
By staying fit and healthy we reduce our chances of heart and lung disease, diabetes and cancer.
For those with chronic disabilities, including NDIS participants, ageing presents new challenges on top of long term challenges.
To maintain independence into our later years we must set challenging goals and work hard to achieve them to simply be able to function day to day one years to come.
Your health and fitness will have a great effect on your loved ones and your dependence on them for support.
Think of your children and grandchildren and how important you and your health is to them.
The financial impact of poor long term hearth is immense, on you personally, your family, and society as a whole.
Taking those little steps day in day out will improve your longevity, fitness and health and save dollars in the long run despite some short term outlays.
Even greater vision for motivation
If you or a loved one suffered from or is suffering from a chronic disease or disability join a community unite and support one another.
There are many community events raising money for research charities to improve the lives of you, your loved ones and future sufferers.
The sense of pride not only in your own achievements but raising money to help others and increase awareness is of massive impact and will bring immense fulfilment.
You realise you are small in the great scheme of things and so many are going through the same. Uniting we are bigger, with a greater voice and impact.
Set your exercise program designed to meet your goals
Once you have a set program to follow to reach your goals there is so much you can do each day to support yourself to achieve your goals.
Consistency and daily discipline to follow your plan will get you to your desired destination.
It’s the little daily steps, even when you don’t feel like it which will add up the huge changes and benefits added over months and years.
When you get out there and are true to your word you will feel a growth in self belief self esteem and confidence.
You will no longer doubt yourself and learn too be true to yourself, love and respect yourself as you would a trustworthy friend, not a friend that cannot be relied on and constantly lets you down.
Focus on the bigger vision to motivate you
Is your vision bigger than the bigger picture?
Can you see your bigger vision?
Keep it close to you and focus on your vision every day, when you don’t feel like training and when you do!
On good days and bad days, don’t question whether you should exercise or not. Keep following your plan and you will make your vision reality!
Are you ready to start?
Do you need help to make your PLAN, and become motivated to GET STARTED to achieve your BIGGER VISION?
Apply for your FREE physical assessment to see where you are now and receive your results broken down for you so you know what you need to focus and improve on, and can see your progress, on your PLAN to achieve your BIGGER VISION?
Click the link above and GET STARTED with a PLAN to achieve your BIGGER VISION!
See you soon
Emma X